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Continued Fraction Calculator

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Continued Fraction: =

Calculator Use

Continued Fraction Calculator is a free online tool that displays the Continued Fraction. This online Continued Fraction Calculator tool performs the calculation faster, and it displays the result in a fraction of seconds.

The procedure to use the Continued Fraction Calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter a values in the input field

Step 2: Now click the "Calculate" button to get the result

Step 3: Finally, The Continued Fraction will be displayed in the output field

What is Continued Fraction?

In mathematics, a continued fraction is an expression obtained through an iterative process of representing a number as the sum of its integer part and the reciprocal of another number, then writing this other number as the sum of its integer part and another reciprocal.

How to calculate the Continued Fraction?

The calculation of the coefficients of the continued fraction of a rational number is done as follows:

1.Obtain the first coefficient as the integer part of the quotient between the numerator and the denominator rounded down.

2.Subtract the numerator from the product of the denominator and the newly found coefficient.

3.While the numerator is not zero:

a.Exchange the numerator and the denominator.

b.Obtain the following coefficient as the integer part of the quotient between the numerator and the denominator rounded down.

c.Subtract the numerator from the product of the denominator and the newly found coefficient.


Calculate the simple continued fraction for 3.245 = 649/200.

So the simple continued fraction result for 3.245 = 649/200 is 3.245 = 649/200 = [3;4,12,4].



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